Nature's Sunshine Products ets. 1972
Nature's Sunshine Products ets. 1972
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Cellulite - most of us have it, none of us really want it, it's not life threatening and does not lead to health conditions of major concern - but some of us would prefer it just fade into the far distance. 

Nature’s Sunshine Cellu-Smooth was designed for just that purpose. A unique blend of nutrients was selected to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, while also helping to support skin health and tone. Cellu-Smooth naturally and safely aids healthy circulation to affected areas, helps strengthen connective tissue structures and aids the body's detoxification processes. In addition, Cellu-Smooth supports healthy thyroid function and helps support the breakdown and elimination of excess fat stores in the body.

Coleus forskohlii has been included in this blend as it supports a shift from a fatty body mass to a more lean body mass. Bladderwrack kelp nourishes the thyroid gland with iodine, thereby supporting metabolism. It can also help decrease appetite by maintaining already normal blood sugar levels. Milk Thistle is added to support the liver’s detoxification function, allowing it to efficiently emulsify fat, break down trapped particles and help remove them from the body. Ginkgo, a known free radical scavenger, promotes proper circulation even to remote or problem areas, leading to efficient blood–oxygen exchange.  Lastly, Rhodiola is included to support strength and stamina and help body cells generate and use energy more effectively.

There is no quick fix or magic pills out there but with a healthy, balanced lifestyle and some nutritional support, you are on the right path to find the solutions best suited to be your best self. 

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